Women status in our society


     Women are the most important person in our society who always take care of the children and the houses and they are the ones who can handle the home chores. In our society, we consider that just women are for homes and women should not do any outside activities like men. In our society, we consider that a man can study till where he wants but a woman can study matric or in many families, many people think that women are merely subject to marry and take care of their children and husband and there is not any need of any women study but unfortunately, we don't know because this is the worst thing which we think and on the other hand, in a good society they always give respect to women and they give full freedom to women.

   Moreover, a developed country and a prosperous nation always treat women in a good manner and today the nation or country that has given the same right to men and women then today they are the most developed country in the world, and their nations are prosperous but with sorrow, I have to say this thing that we consider that women and men are not neck and neck rather men are better and men have more right than women but this is one of the worst concepts we have so that's why today our country is not getting developed and we are not being prosperous too.

   Therefore, it is requested to all not treat women as slaves and also not consider them as housekeepers rather always give respect to women and educate them and give them their rights in order to become a prosperous nation and a developed country.

Irshad Kulanchi
Turbat, Balochistan


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