
   Discipline is like having a good friend who helps you do things, even when they might be a bit hard. It means being in control and sticking to your plans, even when there are fun or distracting things around. Imagine you have something you want to do, like finish your homework or learn a new game. Discipline is what helps you stay focused and keep going until you finish what you started. It's important because it helps you get your tasks done, learn new things, and be responsible. To be disciplined, start with small goals, make a plan, stay focused, and celebrate when you finish something. 

   Discipline isn't just for big things; it's also for everyday stuff like brushing your teeth and being a good listener. The more you practice, the easier it gets, and soon you'll see that discipline makes doing things you want to do more fun and enjoyable.

Afzal Fazal

ZANTH Academy Jusak

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